Caroline Simpson
Chief executive, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Simpson is a proud public servant and has passionately delivered place-based regeneration for more than 25 years through having clear vision, developing strong partnerships and a relentless focus on delivery. As chief executive at Stockport MBC she is focused on a growth and neighbourhood agenda, which delivers a place-based approach to connecting deeper into communities and addressing decades of inequalities. In her previous role as the deputy chief executive at Stockport, she led the £1bn transformation programme which is radically transforming a proud northern town centre. As well as being leader of development, regeneration, planning and transport, she has also led the delivery and reform of frontline place management and property services. Previous roles span local government, housing and regional development agencies in the West Midlands and North West. Her career started in the Liverpool, delivering community-based regeneration projects with a particular focus on work and skills.