This EG webinar will explore:

  • What are developers required to do under the Environment Act 2021 and when?
  • How is biodiversity measured and whose responsibility is it to measure it?
  • What are the options available to developers looking for BNG solutions?
  • What are the risks of getting BNG wrong and who is liable?
  • When should you start planning for BNG to ensure financial viability and delivery of your projects?

Join us for this webinar on Monday, 21 November at 10am.


Dr Julia Baker

Head of nature services, Mott MacDonald

Alexis Perry

Commercial director, Environment Bank

Nina Pindham

Barrister, No5 Barristers Chambers

Emma Toovey

Ecology director, Environment Bank

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    LNRS Data Services is an accredited CPD content provider. Attending this event will count towards your CPD hours.