How can EG help you?
Market analysis & development opportunities
Gain a complete view of the market to evaluate and assess your acquisition strategy. You can identify market activity in a region, by sector or by applicant and have full visibility on the application submissions, decisions, construction start and completion date. With access to contact details, you can identify and track applications of interest, and set up personalised alerts to be notified of any changes.
Source sites to optimise profit
Our planning and development data provides you with insight to help source sites as soon as they come onto the market. Generate leads with access to our building reports where you can find up-to-date contact information for freeholders in addition to sale and lease comparable information.
Accurately appraise site opportunities
Leverage a multitude of data sets including extensive property reports, tenancy schedules and up-to-date market values. Use our market analytics tool so you can easily and accurately calculate GDV for a potential development opportunity and do a full detailed evaluation of sites.
Monitor industry trends & breaking news
EG News & Insight reports daily on the commercial news stories keeping the nation moving. Receive daily email alerts to help you stay on top of the latest trends, new developments and rental values.
Products for you
EG Radius
EG Radius brings together timely comparable data, market analysis, news & legal commentary from the commercial real estate industry, on to one integrated platform.
EG Propertylink
Advertise your clients’ commercial property, land or auction listing to an active audience of investors, occupiers and developers.
EG Magazine
Delivering the biggest commercial real estate news stories of the week, from expert analysis to major market interviews and leading business insight, stay ahead of the real estate market with a subscription to
EG Magazine.