It was an event series that hit the market with epic speakers, the hottest venues and packed-out spaces right from the get-go. Now, after a two-year hiatus, EG’s techlive programme is back and better than ever before. 

Since launching in 2018, some of the biggest names and investors in tech, real estate and beyond have graced techlive’s stages – including the head of Google Maps, New York City’s chief innovation officer, and Metaprop’s general partner Zak Schwarzman. 

On 27 June we will be at 22 Bishopsgate, where we will hone in on the power and value for some of the biggest real estate and tech investors in the world, this event will delve into how our buildings and cities must be developed more sustainably, and will ask investors what opportunities they are seeking as they scour the market with capital ready to deploy. As well as content and networking for anyone with a tech solution up their sleeve, this event is for anyone designing, developing, building or managing an asset at any stage, in any location.

Hear from speakers including Microsoft, Gensler, A/O Proptech and Climate X.

  • 08:00: Registration and networking
  • 09:00: Chair’s opening remarks
  • 09.15: Keynote speech and interview
  • 09.45: Panel: Why sustainable urbanism is the only future for real estate
  • 10.30: Chair’s closing remarks
  • 10.35: Coffee and networking
  • 11.30: Event closes

Meet investors, entrepreneurs and designers future proofing urban environments globally

In partnership with


    Lukky Ahmed

    Co‑founder & chief executive, Climate X

    Linda Chandler

    Industry lead, UK smart places, Microsoft

    Rob Charlton

    Chief executive, Space Group

    Gregory Dewerpe

    Founder, A/O PropTech

    Juliette Morgan

    ESG consultancy director, Gensler

    Emily Wright

    Head of content, EG

    Do you want to engage directly with your clients and gain new business?

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    Our packages can be tailored to ensure you will meet and influence the people who are going to ensure the growth of your business now and in the future.

    With a clear understanding of your overall marketing strategy, we will work in partnership with you to develop a bespoke marketing solution to meet your objectives.

    We will ensure that you enjoy all the benefits of association with the right event, targeted at the right delegates, with a promotional package that underpins your marketing strategy.