The Square Mile’s future skyline 04/03/2025 | Offices | City core The Square Mile’s future skyline City Corp reveals how City will look when approved projects are completed 04/03/2025 | Offices | City core
Amro looks to exit Kingston co-living scheme 04/03/2025 | Residential | London Amro looks to exit Kingston co-living scheme The Rex is expected to complete in September 04/03/2025 | Residential | London
Martley snaps up Birmingham office 03/03/2025 | Offices | Birmingham Martley snaps up Birmingham office The move marks a continuation of the company’s regional office investment strategy 03/03/2025 | Offices | Birmingham
Barings and Glenbrook agree £152m forward-funding deal 03/03/2025 | Build to rent | Leeds Barings and Glenbrook agree £152m forward-funding deal Leeds scheme will offer 618 BTR and for-sale homes 03/03/2025 | Build to rent | Leeds
Leumi provides £29m loan for Brum BTR project Commercial Estates Group’s scheme comprises 1,635 homes
Watkin Jones brings Battersea Park Road PBSA to market Developer in the market with £700m of living assets for funding
How London’s Square Mile reshaped the office COMMENT Stanhope’s Kevin Darvishi on supply versus demand in the City
Boosting AI: Learning from Enterprise Zones COMMENT Avison Young’s Kimberley Grieveson on a crucial economic intervention
Voice of the Region: Surrey – diversity and resolution LISTEN Partner Piers Leigh discusses how Curchod & Co has pivoted to where demand is strongest…
Living sector is top target as European investors look to increase spending CBRE’s 2025 European Investor Intentions Survey suggests the recovery is well underway
BTR underperforms all property as values rise just 0.4% All commercial property capital values rose by 0.7% over the same period
‘A landlord’s office market’: the outlook for 2025 Investors, developers and agents are hopeful of an upturn
Property vs equity: ‘the lost decade is over’ DWS says diversifying is key in the current investment environment
Painful but necessary: Goldman Sachs on real estate’s adjustment Asset management team offers outlook for 2025
Agency bosses on their $230m capital markets beat Advisory leaders are hopeful the upturn will continue into 2025