Real estate development plays a significant role in shaping the built environment and can have a substantial impact on social value within communities. Embedding social value in the planning process goes beyond simply assessing economic viability and should, instead, consider the social, environmental and cultural aspects of projects.

Social value has been factored into public procurement for a long time. Planning has been the missing piece, and social value is not widely adopted in the planning process across the UK. If planners and developers worked together, could we build a fairer and more sustainable environment for everyone? How can the private sector enable planning authorities to do this?

In this session, we will debate what progress is being made to go above and beyond planning compliance to deliver better places to live and work and rebuild trust in our communities. What role does planning policy play? How can developers and planners maximise social value through collaboration? And what engagement is needed from all stakeholders to lead to more inclusive, sustainable and beneficial projects for communities and society as a whole? Join us at LREF, where these and more questions will be answered.


Pooja Agrawal

Chief executive, Public Practice

Rokhsana Fiaz

Mayor of Newham

Kirsten Hewson

Partner & head of real estate, Shoosmiths

Samantha McClary

Editor, EG

Thomasin Renshaw

Chief development officer, Pocket Living

Cath Shaw

Deputy chief executive, Barnet Council

Lucy Wood

UK climate solutions leader, Stantec

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