British Land bolsters leasing powers for Canada Water labs 27/03/2025 | Offices | London British Land bolsters leasing powers for Canada Water labs Carter Jonas appointed as joint agent alongside Savills 27/03/2025 | Offices | London
CNBC signs for new City of London studio 27/03/2025 | London CNBC signs for new City of London studio 10 Fleet Place to house new media hub on ground floor 27/03/2025 | London
Travelodge plans 15 UK hotel launches this year 27/03/2025 | Hotels | London Travelodge plans 15 UK hotel launches this year The group opened five new hotels in the UK last year 27/03/2025 | Hotels | London
Bruntwood SciTech hunts for CityLabs 4.0 occupier 27/03/2025 | Life sciences | Manchester Bruntwood SciTech hunts for CityLabs 4.0 occupier The facility spans 125,000 sq ft of lab and office space 27/03/2025 | Life sciences | Manchester
M&G snaps up East Village PBSA site The scheme is expected to have a gross development value of £135m
Berkeley preps plans for remainder of Malt Street regeneration Plans propose more than 1,000 homes and 50,000 sq ft of industrial use
Former Estates Gazette editor Peter Bill to launch weekly column Bill’s view on the week’s news will debut in a redesigned magazine on 5 April
DTZ brings Kensington property to market for £26.7m The mixed-use asset generates £1.3m rent annually
Why ESG is far from dead in the water COMMENT Hoare Lea’s Bára Melezínková says fears over the EU Omnibus are unhelpful
Voice of the Region: Surrey – diversity and resolution LISTEN Partner Piers Leigh discusses how Curchod & Co has pivoted to where demand is strongest…
Living sector is top target as European investors look to increase spending CBRE’s 2025 European Investor Intentions Survey suggests the recovery is well underway
BTR underperforms all property as values rise just 0.4% All commercial property capital values rose by 0.7% over the same period
‘A landlord’s office market’: the outlook for 2025 Investors, developers and agents are hopeful of an upturn
Property vs equity: ‘the lost decade is over’ DWS says diversifying is key in the current investment environment
Painful but necessary: Goldman Sachs on real estate’s adjustment Asset management team offers outlook for 2025
Agency bosses on their $230m capital markets beat Advisory leaders are hopeful the upturn will continue into 2025